Can You Get Sick from Mold in Vents? - An Expert's Perspective

Mold is a health hazard that can have serious consequences if left unchecked. Inhaling mold spores can cause a variety of symptoms and health problems, ranging from itchy eyes to long-term lung damage. If you already have a health condition, exposure to mold may worsen it or even be fatal in some cases. Poor air circulation in the home can cause contaminants to accumulate, making healthy people feel sick.

If mold spores are left unattended, they can grow and become an infestation in air ducts, significantly decreasing air quality and causing medical problems for everyone. Fortunately, this type of toxic mold is rare in air ducts that are regularly cleaned and maintained by professionals. To check for signs of black mold, accumulated dust, or dark spots on the vents, inspect several of the ventilation grilles in your home. If the vents haven't been professionally cleaned for a while, there will be enough dust for the black mold to feed on. An increase in allergy symptoms, especially outside of the typical allergy season, could be a sign that it's black mold on the air conditioner or on the vents. To clean the area around the vent, the inside of the vent, and any part of the duct that looks dirty or infected with mold, use a cleaning solution of your choice.

If you're mentally confused and don't yet have a diagnosis that can explain it, a possible cause is black mold on the vents. In some cases, you may only be able to smell it near certain ventilation ducts. Cleaning ventilation grilles helps prevent mold formation by removing dust and particles that mold feeds on. In milder and more isolated cases where the problem can be detected, you can clean the air ducts yourself with a homemade cleaning solution or a commercial solution to eliminate mold. Upper respiratory tract symptoms such as unexplained coughing and sneezing are also incredibly common signs of black mold on ventilation grilles. If you want to avoid health problems and high removal costs associated with black mold on ventilation grilles, contact a professional duct cleaning or mold reduction service as soon as possible.

With years of experience and licensed professionals, ABC Home & Commercial Services can provide proactive care for your air ducts and prevent black mold from appearing in your home. Coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath may be symptoms you experience if there are decaying vermin or mold in the vents.

Irving Zimmerli
Irving Zimmerli

Incurable introvert. Professional twitter junkie. Twitter nerd. Subtly charming coffee junkie. Lifelong zombie trailblazer. Typical social media evangelist.