What is the Sound After Air Duct Cleaning?

Once the HVAC components have been cleaned, the system will return to its peak performance with less energy consumption. This can cause the ducts to expand, resulting in the normal bursting noises associated with the process. Generally, the sound intensity ranges between 60 and 80 decibels (dB), which is similar to a normal conversation at home or in the office. After cleaning, some homeowners may notice that the sound of returns is louder than before, with a sharper tone. The air conditioning system can operate optimally after the ducts and oven are cleaned.

This puts additional pressure on the ducts, resulting in a popping sound. This is normal and not caused by any damage during the cleaning process. Additionally, professional-quality vacuums and air compressors used during the process may generate moderate noise levels that can be heard throughout the house. A small explosion sound is usually not a problem and is simply caused by metal expanding due to the heat or pressure of air passing through it. If you're planning on having your air ducts cleaned, consider whether it will be too noisy for people in your household, including children who may be more sensitive to noise.

It's best to turn off the air conditioning system before cleaning to maximize effectiveness. The noise level may vary depending on the cleaning equipment used by different companies. In conclusion, cleaning air ducts can generate moderate noise levels similar to common household sounds such as vacuuming. Generally, this process is done during working hours when people are at work, so it won't interfere with sleep or downtime in or around the house.

Irving Zimmerli
Irving Zimmerli

Incurable introvert. Professional twitter junkie. Twitter nerd. Subtly charming coffee junkie. Lifelong zombie trailblazer. Typical social media evangelist.